Woodlands Federation

The Woodlands Federation

Talbot First School

We are part of The Moorlands Primary Federation Trust.


First School

Woodlands Federation

The Square, Marchington, Staffordshire, ST14 8LH


01283 820252

Willow Class

Welcome to Cherry and Willow Class 



Cherry Class is where the journey begins for our Nursery children before the children move into Willow Class for Reception and Year 1.

Class Teacher: Mrs. S Holden

Teaching Assistants: Mrs. C Dwyer, Mrs. T Fowler, Mr Morgan and Mrs Wragg

We believe that children thrive in a safe, stimulating and secure environment. Cherry and Willow Class are based in the same open plan learning environment where the children thrive due to the nurturing nature of the setting. The Year 1 children are fantastic role models to our younger children and this unique setting enables children to make smooth and seamless transitions through the school.  


The curriculum in Early Years is designed to provide a broad and balanced education that meets the needs of all pupils. Our ethos in Early Years is to support children’s personal, social and emotional development so that they feel safe and secure and are ready to learn. Children are encouraged to be independent in their learning with adults facilitating as required.

We recognise children’s interests and prior learning before planning learning opportunities that will excite and motivate. We endeavour to provide first-hand experiences that make our curriculum purposeful, relevant and fun. Every child is recognised as the unique and wonderful individual they are.

We recognise that all children come into our setting with varied experiences and all staff ensure that the learning opportunities provided widen children’s knowledge and understanding of the world, setting ambitious expectations for all children.

The curriculum celebrates diversity and supports the pupils’ spiritual, moral, social and cultural development. Those children with particular needs including SEND are supported appropriately allowing them to be successful.




WIllow Class Routines 2023-24

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