Woodlands Federation

The Woodlands Federation

Talbot First School

We form the The Woodlands Federation with St Peter’s CE (VC) First School


First School

Woodlands Federation

The Square, Marchington, Staffordshire, ST14 8LH


01283 820252

Mission and Values

'Friends Learning Together'

At Talbot, we promote high standards of teaching and learning based on a broad and balanced curriculum so that as many children as possible can become successful, confident, independent learners.

Parents are encouraged to play an active and effective role in their child’s education in partnership with the school.

Positive attitudes are encouraged and rewarded in order to create a school where children behave with care, consideration and co-operation.

Opportunities are provided for on-going staff development to enhance the quality of teaching.

Resources, both human and material, are developed and deployed efficiently in order to provide a secure, pleasant and challenging work environment.

Links with the wider community are encouraged and promoted wherever possible.

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